underfrequency load shedding protection

System frequency response model with underfrequency load shedding protection

Use case purpose and context

4 simple test cases have been developed in the context of XX by University of Ljubljana.

Network description

All 4 cases are based on the Underfrequency load shedding protection scheme and SSystem frequency response model as described here

Case studies

Input data

In the presented four case studies we considered a rated frequency of 50 Hz and the following SFRM parameters: H = 4, D = 1, FH = 0.3, R = 0.05, KM = 0.95 and TR = 8.

A 10-second-long time domain simulation was carried out with a time step of 1 microsecond. ΔP was modeled as a step change of ΔP = -0.7 occurring at time t = 1 second. A frequency limit value fLIM for the calculation of M via equation (3) is fLIM = 47.5 Hz.

Case study #1: Simulation without UFLS.

Case study #2: Simulation with conventional UFLS with the following settings:

  • number of stages n = 6,
  • stage frequency thresholds 49.00 Hz, 48.80 Hz, 48.60 Hz, 48.40 Hz, 48.20 Hz, 48.00 Hz,
  • stage amounts 0.10/stage.

Case study #3: Simulation with innovative UFLS with the following settings:

  • number of stages n = 6,
  • stage frequency thresholds 49.00 Hz, 48.80 Hz, 48.60 Hz, 48.40 Hz, 48.20 Hz, 48.00 Hz,
  • stage M thresholds 2.0, 1.80, 1.60, 1.40, 1.20, 1.00 seconds,
  • L-shaped fthr(M) threshold function
  • stage amounts 0.10/stage.

Case study #4: Simulation with innovative UFLS with the following settings:

  • number of stages n = 6,
  • stage frequency thresholds 49.0, 48.95, 48.90, 48.85, 48.80, 48.75 Hz,
  • stage M thresholds 2.0, 1.80, 1.60, 1.40, 1.20, 1.00 seconds,
  • ellipse-shaped fthr(M) threshold function
  • stage amounts 0.10/stage.

Case study results

The results, provided in the continuation, can be obtained by running any of the three models provided (numerical integration with Matlab, Simulink simulation, Numerical integration with Python).


Fig.1. Case study #1: electric power system frequency response, obtained with SFRM without UFLS


Fig.2. Case study #2: electric power system frequency response, obtained with SFRM with conventional UFLS


Fig.3. Case study #3: electric power system frequency response, obtained with SFRM and UL (L-shaped threshold function)


Fig.4. Case study #4: electric power system frequency response, obtained with SFRM and UL UFLS (ellipse-shaped threshold function)


Software URL Created
Python Link 03/06/2024
Matlab/Simulink Link 03/06/2024


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