PSS6C model

This article is incomplete, some sections must be written.


This power system stabilizer model first appeared in the IEEE Std 421.5-2016 (of Electrical & Engineers, 2016). It has been reproduced identically in the IEC 61970-302:2024 version (Commission, 2024).

Model use, assumptions, validity domain and limitations

To be completed

Model inputs and output

The input variables are :

Variable Description Units
omegaPu measured angular frequency pu (base omegaNom)
omegaRefPu reference angular frequency pu (base omegaNom)
PGenPu active power pu (base SnRef)

The output signal is VPssPu in pu (base UNom).

Model parameters

Parameter Description Units
KOmega Coefficient applied to angular frequency -
KOmegaRef Coefficient applied to reference angular frequency -
K0 Gain of first integrator input pu
K1 Gain of first integrator output pu
K2 Gain of second integrator output pu
K3 Gain of third integrator output pu
K4 Gain of fourth integrator output pu
Ki3 Gain of third integrator pu
Ki4 Gain of fourth integrator pu
Ks Gain of power system stabilizer pu
Ks1 Gain of active power branch pu
Ks2 Gain of angular frequency branch pu
MAcc Gain of angular velocity pu
OmegaMaxPu Maximum angular velocity pu (base omegaNom)
OmegaMinPu Minimum angular velocity pu (base omegaNom)
PGenMaxPu Maximum active power pu (base SNom) (generator convention)
PGenMinPu Minimum active power pu (base SNom) (generator convention)
PPssOffPu Lower active power threshold for PSS activation pu (base SNom) (generator convention)
PPssOnPu Higher active power threshold for PSS activation pu (base SNom) (generator convention)
t1 Transducer time constant (active power branch) s
t2 Transducer time constant (angular frequency branch) s
t3 First order time constant (active power branch) s
t4 Derivative time constant (angular frequency branch) s
tD Washout time constant s
tI1 Time constant of first integrator, s
tI2 Time constant of second integrator, s
tI3 Time constant of third integrator, s
tI4 Time constant of fourth integrator, s
VPssMaxPu Maximum output voltage of power system stabilizer pu (base UNom)
VPssMinPu Minimum output voltage of power system stabilizer pu (base UNom)
SNom Nominal apparent power MVA

Model diagram

PSS6C diagram

Open source implementations

This model has been successfully implemented in :

Software URL Language Open-Source License Last consulted date Comments
Dynawo Link Modelica MPL v2.0 24/05/2024  


  1. of Electrical, T. I., & Engineers, E. (2016). IEEE recommended practice for excitation system models for power system stability studies . IEEE Std 421.5-2016. jdm/ee554/IEEEstd421.5-2016RecPracExSysModsPwrSysStabStudies.pdf
  2. Commission, I. E. (2024). Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) Part 302: Common information model (CIM) dynamics. IEC 61970-302.