Authors: Erwan Guichard (DPS for RTE)

Reviewers: Mathilde Bongrain (CRESYM)


This governor model is a standard hydro turbine governor model. It represents a straightforward hydroelectric plant governor, with a simple hydraulic representation of the penstock with unrestricted head race and tail race, and no surge tank. (system dynamic performance committee Task Force on Turbine-Governor Modeling, 2013) It is one of the most commonly used model in the present North American system databases.

Model use, assumptions, validity domain and limitations

This model is suitable for power system planning studies where the controls are known to be of the mechanical hydraulic type.

Linear models of a hydro penstock and water column should not be used for general power system studies. For some facilities, a travelling wave model may be necessary to correctly model dynamic behavior. Use of simpler models that do not accurately capture dynamic performance in the 0.1 Hz to 1 Hz frequency range can lead to errors in stability studies where inter‐area oscillations are a concern. Inclusion of nonlinear effects in hydro models is necessary for system frequency regulation studies.

Model inputs and output

The input variables are :

Variable Description Units
omegaPu measured angular frequency pu (base omegaNom)
omegaRefPu reference angular frequency pu (base omegaNom)
PmRefPu reference mechanical power pu (base PNomTurb)

The output signal is PmPu, the mechanical power in pu (base PNomTurb).

Model parameters

At Turbine gain pu
DTurb Turbine damping coefficient pu
FlowNoLoad No-load water flow at nominal head pu
HDam Head available at dam pu
KDroopPerm Permanent droop pu
KDroopTemp Temporary droop pu
OpeningGateMax Maximum gate opening pu
OpeningGateMin Minimum gate opening pu
tF Filter time constant s
tG Gate servomotor time constant s
tR Governor time constant s
tW Water inertia time constant s
VelMaxPu Gate maximum opening/closing velocity pu/s (base PNomTurb)

Model diagram

HYGOV diagram

Open source implementations

This model has been successfully implemented in :

Software URL Language Open-Source License Last consulted date Comments
Dynawo Link Modelica MPL v2.0 24/05/2024  


  1. system dynamic performance committee Task Force on Turbine-Governor Modeling, P. (2013). Dynamic Models for Turbine-Governors in Power System Studies. IEEE Power & Energy Society PES-TR1 Technical Report. https://site.ieee.org/fw-pes/files/2013/01/PES_TR1.pdf