Exc IEEE AC7C model


This model consist of an ac alternator with either stationary or rotating rectifiers to produce the dc field requirements.Upgrades to earlier ac excitation systems, which replace only the controls but retain the ac alternator and diode rectifier bridge, have resulted in this new model.

This voltage regulator model first appeared in the IEEE Std 421.5-2016 (of Electrical & Engineers, 2016). It has been reproduced identically in the IEC 61970-302:2024 version (Commission, 2024). In the previous standard version (2005), its predecessor model was called AC7B. Compared to AC7B, AC7C has additional options for connecting OEL and UEL inputs, and additional flexibility for the representation of the controlled rectifier power source.

Model use, assumptions, validity domain and limitations

It takes into account loading effects. It can’t allow the supply of negative field current. It takes into account saturation.

This model is satisfactory for large scale simulations. However, if this model is used to design phase lead networks for power system stabilizers, and the local mode is close to 3 Hz or higher, a more detailed treatment of the ac rotating exciter may be needed.

Excitation systems incorporating rotating machines produce a field voltage output (\(E_{FD}\)) which is proportional to the rotating speed of the machine. Since this effect is negligible when speed deviations are small which is the case of dynamic studies of large interconnected power systems, the effect of speed deviations on the output of the dc rotating exciter models is not represented in this latest version of the standard. However, some commercial software may have implemented such speed dependency in their model.

Model inputs and output

The input variables are :

Variable Description Units
IrPu rotor current pu (base SNom, user-selected base voltage)
itPu complex current at the terminal pu (base SNom, UNom)
UsPu measured stator voltage pu (base UNom)
UsRefPu reference stator voltage pu (base UNom)
utPu complex voltage at the terminal pu (base UNom)
UOelPu (optional) output voltage of overexcitation limiter pu (base UNom)
UPssPu (optional) output voltage of power system stabilizer pu (base UNom)
USclOelPu (optional) output voltage of stator current overexcitation limiter pu (base UNom)
USclUelPu (optional) output voltage of stator current underexcitation limiter pu (base UNom)
UUelPu (optional) output voltage of underexcitation limiter pu (base UNom)

The output signal is EfdPu, the excitation voltage in pu (user-selected base voltage).

Model parameters

Parameter Description Units
AEx Gain of saturation function pu
BEx Exponential coefficient of saturation function  
Kc Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance, pu
Kc1 Rectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (exciter), pu
Kd Demagnetizing factor, function of exciter alternator reactances, pu
Kdr Regulator derivative gain pu
Ke Exciter field resistance constant pu
Kf1 Generator field voltage feedback gain pu
Kf2 Exciter field current feedback gain pu
Kf3 Rate feedback gain pu
Ki Potential circuit (current) gaincoefficient pu
Kia Amplifier integral gain pu
Kir Regulator integral gain pu
Kl Exciter field current limiter gain pu
Kp Potential source gain pu
Kpa Amplifier proportional gain pu
Kpr Regulator proportional gain pu
Kr Field voltage feedback gain pu
PositionOel Input location : (0) none, (1) voltage error summation, (2) take-over at AVR input, (3) take-over at AVR output, (4) take-over at inner loop regulator output -
PositionPss Input location : (0) none, (1) voltage error summation, (2) after take-over UEL -
PositionScl Input location : (0) none, (1) voltage error summation, (2) take-over at AVR input, (3) take-over at AVR output -
PositionUel Input location : (0) none, (1) voltage error summation, (2) take-over at AVR input, (3) take-over at AVR output -
Sw1 If true, power source derived from terminal voltage, if false, independent from terminal voltage -
Sw2 If true, power source derived from available exciter field voltage, if false, from rotating exciter output voltage -
tDr Derivative gainwashout time constant s
tE Exciter field time constant s
tF Rate feedback time constant s
Thetap Potential circuit phase angle rad
TolLi Tolerance on limit crossing as a fraction of the difference between initial limits of limited integrator pu
tR Stator voltage filter time constant s
VaMaxPu Maximum output voltage of limited PI pu (user-selected base voltage)
VaMinPu Minimum output voltage of limited PI pu (user-selected base voltage)
VbMaxPu Maximum available exciter field voltage pu (base UNom)
VeMinPu Minimum exciter output voltage pu (user-selected base voltage)
VfeMaxPu Maximum exciter field current signal pu (user-selected base voltage)
VrMaxPu Maximum output voltage of limited PID pu (user-selected base voltage)
VrMinPu Minimum output voltage of limited PID pu (user-selected base voltage)
XlPu Reactance associated with potential source pu (base SNom, UNom)

Model diagram


Where the AC rotating exciter model is modelled here

Model variant

In the AC7B model :

  • there are no overexcitation limiter and no stator current limiter
  • the power system stabilizer and the underexcitation limiter output voltages are added to the voltage error
  • the available exciter field voltage is proportional to the absolute terminal voltage

Open source implementations

This model has been successfully implemented in :

Software URL Language Open-Source License Last consulted date Comments
Dynawo Link Modelica MPL v2.0 24/05/2024  


  1. of Electrical, T. I., & Engineers, E. (2016). IEEE recommended practice for excitation system models for power system stability studies . IEEE Std 421.5-2016. jdm/ee554/IEEEstd421.5-2016RecPracExSysModsPwrSysStabStudies.pdf
  2. Commission, I. E. (2024). Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) Part 302: Common information model (CIM) dynamics. IEC 61970-302.