Phasor-I0 Grid Following Voltage Source Converter

Authors: Carlos Alegre (eRoots)

Reviewers: Eduardo Prieto Araujo (UPC), Josep Fanals Batllori (eRoots)


The Phasor-\(I_0\) Grid Following Voltage Source Converter (VSC) model is derived from the Full-Phasor.

Model use, assumptions, validity domain and limitations

The model has uses similar to the \(I_1\) model, with some improvement in the simulation speed while the precision is slightly reduced.

The assumptions made starting from the Full-Phasor model are the following:

  • The current loop is completely removed from the model. The current obtained from the outer loop is directly considered to be provided by the VSC.
  • Since there are no current dynamics, the outer loop is modified to maintain the closed-loop from the Full-Phasor model.

The model is valid for low-frequency phenomena studies, similarly to the Phasor-I1 model, but it allows for bigger time-steps (around 2 or 3 times greater time-step size). The medium to high-frequency events (\(>100\) Hz) are not captured as well as in the Full-Phasor model for instance.

Model description

The diagram of the complete model is shown in the following figure.

Phasor-I0 Model Block Diagram
Figure 1: Phasor-I0 Model Block Diagram [1]

The following subsections will describe the changes with respect to the Full-Phasor model.

Current loop

The block is completely removed, which means \(i^{qd*} = i^{qd*}_c\).

Outer loop

The outer loop, or power loop, has to be adapted since it had the dynamics of the current loop included in its transfer function. The closed-loop transfer function of the outer loop is:

$$ C_{pq}(s) = \frac{G_{pq}(s)}{1 + G_{pq}(s)} = \frac{1}{1+\tau_{pq}s} $$

where \(\tau_{pq} = \frac{1}{\omega_{pq}}\) is the time constant of the original outer loop. The new open-loop transfer function, which does not include the current loop dynamics, is:

$$ G_{pq}(s) = K_{pq}(s)\frac{3}{2}v_g^{q} $$

where \(v_g^{q}\) can be considered to be \(V_peak\). The controller is then:

$$ K_{pq}(s) = \frac{2}{3V_{peak}} \frac{1}{\tau_{pq}s} $$

Open-source implementations

No open-source implementations have been found.

Table of references

[1] Lacerda, V. A.; Prieto-Araujo, E.; Cheah, M.; Gomis-Bellmunt, O. “Phasor Modeling Approaches and Simulation Guidelines of Voltage-Source Converters in Grid-Integration Studies”, May 2022, IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3174958

[2] Lacerda, V. A.; Prieto-Araujo, E.; Cheah, M.; Gomis-Bellmunt, O. “Phasor and EMT models of grid-following and grid-forming converters for short-circuit simulations.”, October 2023, vol. 223, núm. 109662. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2023.109662
