Contributing Guidelines for Colib Documentation

Imagine a shared library of dynamic simulations – transparent, high-quality, and packed with real-world applications. We invite you to contribute an article focusing on a component or a test case. Explore the various sections to find guidance on how to make your contribution.

Set up your Git environment and clone the project

Create an issue and related branch

Create a post

Validation process

Set up your Git environment and clone the project:

Please follow the prerequisites to begin the project.

  • Install GIT on your system (e.g. Windows, macOS, Linux)
    • Windows: Download the Git for Windows installer from the official Git Website
    • macOS: Install Git using Homebrew
    • Linux: The exact installation process may vary depending on your specific Linux distribution.
      • Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt update && sudo apt install git
    • Verify installation: Open a terminal window and type git --version.
  • Clone the project : git clone

  • Refer to the README file to follow the installation guide.
  • Create an issue before making any changes as it helps in tracking and managing contributions.

  • For any post creation, modification, evaluation or reporting a bug, please create an issue on the github space of the Colib project. A dedicated issue template should be proposed to you depending on the type of issue.

  • While creating an issue, one can directly upload the pre-filled model or test case template.

  • Create a new branch with a naming convention: issue_number_name_of_new_branch (e.g- 116_modify_how_to_contribute)

Create a post

  • Please use the following model template and test case template for your reference.

  • Make sure you are posting in the right “pages” folder (pages/models/…)

  • Refer to Author’s guidelines and Electrical, Electronics and Control notations and conventions before creating a post.

  • You can see the how your changes impact the website
  • To emulate markdown behavior and correct your markdown page, you can download a markdown extension in your IDE (such as Markdown All in One for VSCode, or Markdown plugin for intelliJ)

  • Verify your changes:
    • git status: Check the status of your local repository to see what files have been modified, staged, or are untracked.
    • Code review : Review your changes to ensure quality and adherence to standards.
    • Testing : Run any relevant tests to ensure your changes haven’t introduced any regressions or errors.
  • Preparing for push:

Validation process

  • Create a pull request to the dev branch (Note: pull requests are not accepted to the main branch) and select at least one reviewer from the cresym team.

  • Review of your request will be done in a timely manner to manage expectations.

  • Reach out to the reviewers and seek help or clarifications when needed.